It would be far more consistent with the pronunciation of other similar words.

    • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
      25 months ago

      IPA is less readable, also this is an orthographic alphabet, the true letter count is much smaller, and it actually gets even smaller if you use the “sloppy” version, which is basically just grabbing an Alphabet language Gboard for þ ð ŋ and ſ, using ue oe and ae as needed, and using u o i e a as you would their dotted (or undotted in i’s case) counterparts and just hoping context makes clear what the literal text doesn’t necessarily.

      • Fonzie!
        15 months ago

        You designed this for GBoard?

        That explains it, I guess…

        • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
          15 months ago

          Would you believe me if I told you that the dot letters were actually what made up the majority of what isn’t in the keyboard normally?